| K. Choudalakis : (TR) Autonomous Cretan State: Errors and varieties of ΕΛΛΑΣ overprint (1908 issue)(One Frame) |
 | Ar. Mantadelis : (TR) Paper foldings on Greek stamps (One Frame) |
 | Ar. Mantadelis : (TR) Balkan Entente (One Frame) |
 | I. Refanidis : (TR) Greece Booklets 1930-2014 (Five Frames) |
 | I. Refanidis : (TR) France Carnets moderne 1962-2018 (Five Frames) |
 | Ath. Paschos : (TR) The special stamp issue for Thessaloniki International Fair, 1934-1942 (One Frame) |
 | Th. Salonidis: (TR) The issues of 30 Lepta Large Hermes Heads, 1876-1882 (Two Frames) |