| N. Varouxis : Stefanos Stournaras Painter, Photographer and Postcard Editor (Five Frames), NOTOS 2021 (FEPA), Large Vermeil, points 85
 | Ch. Gikas : (PC) BACCHUS : from Legend to Legacy (One Frame), LIBEREC 2022 (FEPA), points72 |

 | A. Paschos : (PC) The Army of the East on the Macedonian War Front (Three Frames), 7th CART-HELLAS 2005
A. Paschos : (PC) The Armee d' Orient on the Macedonian Front 1915-1918 (Three Frames) Ankara 2023 (FEPA), points 90
 | A. Paschos : (PC) Thessaloniki through the clichés of the French Publisher Rollet (Three Frames), 7th CART-HELLAS |
 | A. Paschos : (PC) Thessaloniki through the clichés of the French Publisher Rollet (Five Frames), 2023 UPDATE |
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